What's Project Equinox?

Back in 2022, Project Equinox was a String Society initiative to investigate some strange occurrances in Sector 47-B, which they say is undisclosed, but by my calculations it is located somewhere on the San Andreas fault in California.People that visited there in the beginning, came back deformed, or mute. One guy came back and all he could do was blink and eat on one side of his mouth. So the authorities asked for some String Society agents to test the area for anomalies. They went in, tore down some old trees, dug some holes, and stuck their equipment in. They were there for YEARS, fenced off the place so nobody could visit, and then all of a sudden, the whole operation was "ceased" unexpectedly. No articles about it in the news, and emails to them go unanswered.
The area was opened up again like nothing happened, but I know better. My investigations have detailed over 38 people who went hiking in the area and never returned.Some say there are beings there that abduct them, based on lights they see in the sky. Others say they dropped into sinkholes and were covered upwith quicksand. Whatever it is, the String Society opened up a virtual black hole on Earth, and refuse to talk to anyone about it. After 3 years of research, I made some friends that got their hands on some documents. The original brief and personnel roster for their 2022 trip. It's still classified as far as I know, but I am willing to risk my life to save anyone else from falling victim to this evil group of puppets that call themselves stewards of humanity. Pfft.

So read the documents for yourself over on the left.


Dark Secrets Will Soon Be Revealed. Don't Turn Away, For You Could Be Next!

I'm ready to blow the lid off the String Society's darkest secrets. This isn't your usual conspiracy theory junk – what I've got here are the cold, hard "facts" that'll make your skin crawl. Sector 47-B? More like the Bermuda Triangle of reality itself, where folks go in but they sure as hell don't come out. The Society's been messing with stuff they got no business touching, tearing holes between worlds and leaving innocent people stranded on the other side. Take Eli Matthews, for instance. In 2022, the guy was just out there trying to snap pictures of the night sky, and bam, he stumbles across those freaky lights over Sector 47-B and vanishes without a trace. For months before, his blog was buzzing about his desire to visit 47-B, then the articles stopped coming. Nothing. Disappeared without a trace. And how about international exchange student Maya Chen? She was this close to spilling the beans on what's really going down in that area. She left her room mate with meticulous notes, talking about "bridges to nowhere" and hearing "voices from the void." Now she's gone. Poof. Just like that. These aren't just coincidences. These are victims, lured to a rift with promises or curiosity, then abandoned by the Society in a place no one can return from.
Wake up, people! These people were EQUINOXED! Gone, without a trace, and the police look the other way since they're in cahoots with the puppets from the String Society. Let me ask you this: what if you and your kids were just out for a nice walk in the woods, and you turn around and half of your family's gone!? We're all in danger here, and it's about time we do something about it.

The String Society is Lying to You!

I'm Andre Childress, a voice from the depths of Arkadelphia, Arkansas, where the truth isn't always what it seems and the unseen forces that tug at the fabric of our reality are as real as the dirt beneath our feet. I'm just a man, not much different from you, who's stumbled upon a conspiracy so vast, so insidious, it shakes the core of everything we've been led to believe about our world. The String Society, a shadowy group cloaked in benevolence, has been meddling with forces beyond human understanding, and it's high time the public knows the truth. For the past 3 years, I've dedicated my life to uncovering the dark secrets of Project Equinox, an initiative so dangerous, it threatens the very essence of our existence. I'm no scientist or scholar, but what I lack in formal education, I make up for with a gut instinct for when things ain't right. The evidence I've gathered, pieced together from a lot of research into declassified documents, letters to congress and a dedication to my country, paints a clear picture of a world in peril. This site, equinoxed.com, is my testament, my warning to you. The dangers are real, and the threat is now. If we allow Project Equinox to continue then life on Earth could end for every man, woman and child. It's time to wake up, take a stand, and fight back against those who seek to manipulate the threads that bind our universe. If you stand by and do nothing, you're just as bad as the puppets in the STring Society.